2023年 / 第三卷 / 第一期



1.Exploring the critical impactor of the path on innovation ecosystem utilizing government and research institutes 1
2.Exploring the successful key factors of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem based on the Taiwan government science and technology sector 11


3.宜蘭縣高中與高職校園安全績效評估之研究:資料包絡分析法與平衡計分卡整合之應用 41
4.應用分量模型探討台灣上市金控公司之碳排放量對股市報酬之績效影響 67
2023年 / 第三卷 / 第一期 全文下載

Exploring the critical impactor of the path on innovation ecosystem utilizing government and research institutes


Exploring the Critical Impactor of the Path on Innovation Ecosystem Utilizing Government and Research Institutes


作者 Wen-Tsung Shih1   Yi-Chun Lin2*
中文摘要 即使在過去幾十年中,中小企業在支持台灣的工業發展方面扮演著關鍵角色,它們仍然缺乏足夠的資源來培養創新能力。這暗示著這些中小企業可能需要依賴政府和研究機構來完成內部的創新活動。這些複雜而互補的協作關係形成了創新生態系統,其中創新資源由政府和研究機構提供。因此,我們探討了政府和研究機構如何在台灣產業數位轉型的情況下促進創新生態系統,進而刺激經濟增長。我們主要關注經濟部的四個主要研究機構,即資訊工業策進會、工業技術研究院、金屬工業研究發展中心和塑膠工業技術發展中心。通過聚焦這四個研究機構,本研究提供了解釋研究機構如何更好地支持中小企業創新努力和探索創新生態系統演進策略的基礎。我們通過對一個特定創新生態系統的案例研究和來自多個來源的次級數據的詳細闡述,關注生態系統中政府、研究機構和中小企業之間的跨組織協作。更具體地說,我們利用關於創新生態系統背景、過程和影響的多層次研究,來確定政府機構、研究機構和中小企業之間的關係。
關鍵字 中小企業、政府和研究機構、創新生態系統、工業發展
英文摘要 Even though Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in supporting industrial development over the past decades in Taiwan, they still do not own sufficient resources to cultivate innovation abilities. It is implicitly assumed that these SMEs may rely on government and research institutes to accomplish their internal innovation activities. These complex and mutually complementary collaboration relationships are formed as innovation ecosystem where the innovative resources are offered by government and research institutions. Therefore, we explore how government and research institutes facilitate innovation ecosystem under the circumstances of the digital transformation of Taiwan’s industry, which may stimulate economic growth in turn. We primarily focus on the four major research institutes of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, namely the Institute for Information Industry (III), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), and Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC). By means of focusing on these four research institutes, this study provides a rationale for explaining how research institutes can better support the innovation efforts of SMEs and explore innovation ecosystem evolution strategies. We elaborate an inductive case study and secondary data from multiple sources of a particular innovation ecosystem and focus on the inter-organizational collaboration among government, research institutes and SMEs in the ecosystem. More specifically, we take advantage of the multi-level research about the context, processes, and impacts of innovation ecosystems to identify the relationships among government agencies, research institutes, and SMEs.
英文關鍵字 Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), government and research institutes, innovation ecosystem, industrial development

Exploring the successful key factors of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem based on the Taiwan government science and technology sector

篇名 Exploring the Successful Key Factors of the Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Based on the Taiwan Government Science and Technology Sector
作者 Wen-Tsung Shih1*   Yi-Chun Lin2*
中文摘要 為了促進台灣的創新成果,政府和研究機構積極推出一系列計劃,開發先進技術以吸引全球投資者。政府主導的計劃旨在啟動國際連接網絡,稱為區域創業系統建設。這個機制不僅包括個人發明或團隊的創新成果,還為新創企業提供進入國際資金的途徑。因此,我們在本研究中探討如何有效地建立區域創業生態系統。然而,現有文獻對政府和研究機構的作用關注不足,並未發現這些政府主導的計劃的內在價值。此外,這些機制的實際效果仍不清楚。因此,我們進行多個案例研究,收集次級數據,研究文獻回顧,以確定有效區域創業生態系統的關鍵因素。最後,我們提出一個區域創業生態系統層面的創業管理概念框架。
關鍵字 政府機構、創業生態系統、新創企業、國際連接
英文摘要 To promote innovation outcomes in Taiwan, government and research institute proactively launch a series of programs to develop advanced technologies to attract global investors. The government-led programs aim to initiate an international connection network, which is called regional entrepreneurial system-building. This mechanism not only includes individual invention or teams’ innovation outcomes but also provides new startup ventures access to international funding. Therefore, we examine how to effectively build a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem in this study. Existing literature, however, pays too little attention to the role of the government and research institutes to discover the intrinsic values of these government-led programs. In addition, it is still unclear about the actual effects of these mechanisms. Consequently, we conduct a multiple-case study, collect secondary data, and study literature reviews to identify the key factors of the effective regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework for entrepreneurial management at the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem level.
英文關鍵字 government institutes, entrepreneurial ecosystem, startup, international connection


篇名 宜蘭縣高中與高職校園安全績效評估之研究:資料包絡分析法與平衡計分卡整合之應用
作者 孫遜1*  林佑吉2
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討2013-2017年宜蘭地區高中與高職11所(4所公立高中、2所私立高中、5所公立職校)的校安績效。本研究整合加權差額變數資料包絡分析法與平衡計分卡,採用產出導向模式評估樣本學校整體校安績效與個別績效 (學習與成長構面、內部流程構面、顧客滿意構面、財務構面)。研究發現:(1)學校校安學習成長、內部流程構面績效尚可,整體、顧客及財務構面須加強;(2)多數學校處於固定規模報酬,5年期間皆處於固定規模報酬有1所,連續2年規模報酬遞增有1所,處規模報酬遞減有24所;(3)D01為最佳學習與成長、顧客及整體績效學校,D11有最佳內部流程績效學校及D02為最佳財務績效學校;(4)平均跨期生產力呈現些微成長,係由技術變動所致;(5)公立學校及新住民學生數對校安整體績效有負向影響且具有統計顯著性;原住民學生數對校安整體績效有正向影響且具有統計顯著性。
關鍵字 資料包絡分析法、平衡計分卡、校安績效
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to assess campus security performance of 11senior high schools (4 public high schools and 2 private high schools and 5 public vocational schools) in Yilan County from 2013-2017. This study used weighted slacks-based measures (WSBM) data envelopment analysis (DEA) combined with the balanced scorecard (BSC) to assess overall performance/campus security performance and individual performances of the sampled schools. The individual performances are measured in terms of learning and growth perspective (LGP), internal process perspective (IPP), customer perspective (CP), and financial perspective (FP).The study shows that: (1) the sampled schools performed well in terms of LGP, IPP, and FP while OP and CP performed badly; (2) the 11 sampled schools experienced increasing returns-to-scale; (3)D01wasthe best practices in LGP,CP, and OP; D11 was the best practice in IP; D02 was the best practice in FP ; (4)on average the productivity growth has slightly increased caused by progresses of technological change.
英文關鍵字 DEA, BSC, campus security performance


篇名 應用分量模型探討台灣上市金控公司之碳排放量對股市報酬之績效影響
作者 林孟諄1  林哲彥2* 龔振庭3
中文摘要 由於氣候變遷、經濟成長、貧富差距等議題日漸嚴重,聯合國於2015年提出了17項永續發展目標(SDGs),旨在指引全球邁向永續發展,ESG的概念也由此而生。ESG為環境保護、社會責任以及公司治理的縮寫,目的在評估一間公司的整體表現,不僅要財務表現亮眼、照顧好利害關係人,更需要承擔社會責任,企業規模不僅需要做大,更達到永續經營。近期因為疫情和全球氣候變遷、海平面上升等現象,人們開始思考如何與環境共存,企業也在思考營收成長的同時如何達到永續經營。故本研究主要探討由台灣14間金融控股公司所披露的非財務資訊 -碳排放量是否會影響股價的變動。先前的文獻多以迴歸模型驗證台灣上市之金控公司所揭露之碳排放量與故價報酬之間的關係,而本研究則以分量迴歸分析進一步的驗證,結果顯示 金控公司所揭露的碳排放量與股價報酬呈現負向相關,故表示金融控股公司落實 ESG確實可以影響股價報酬,也凸顯了ESG永續發展在全球及各領域上的重要性。期望其他金融業者在未來或能以本文之研究結果作為建立穩健的測量、管理及減少財務排放方法之參考,為在實現淨零排放的目標上作出貢獻。
關鍵字 ESG、台灣上市金控公司、分量迴歸模型、碳排放量
英文摘要 As issues such as climate change economic growth and the gap between rich and poor become more and more serious the United Nations proposed 17 sustainable development goals SDGs in 2015 aiming to guide the world towards sustainable development and the concept of ESG was born from this. The purpose of ESG is to evaluate the overall performance of a company how to achieve sustainable operation while thinking about revenue growth. Therefore, this study mainly explores whether carbon emissions the non-financial information disclosed by 14 financial holding companies in Taiwan will affect the stock price changes. Most of the previous literature used regression models to verify the relationship between the carbon emissions disclosed by Taiwan-listed financial holding companies and the price return but this study uses component regression analysis to further verify the results. The results show that the financial holding companies disclosed Carbon emissions are negatively correlated with stock price returns so it means that the implementation of ESG by financial holding companies can indeed affect stock price returns and it also highlights the importance of ESG sustainable development in the world and in various fields.
英文關鍵字 ESG, Taiwan listed financial holding companies, Quantile regression model, carbon emissions